Sunday, January 28, 2007

Raw Apple Chowder

Recipe assignment for Joe Morse's class. There are no instructions, I omitted them because it's very simple to make! All the ingredients are shown in the illustration... pretty much... I think.
In a blender, blend following:
1/2 cup cashew butter
1 tbsp maple syrup
water to thin (add till the mixture is creamy consistency)

Then chop an apple or two. Pour the cashew cream mixture on top. Chop peacans and walnuts and toss them in to the mixture. Sprinkle raisins (I prefer dried blueberrries myself), and sprinkle all spice, cinnamon and mace.

It's so very good. *drool*
Oh, I learned to make this from Freshtopia video blog.


freshtopia said...

This illustration is awesome. Your art is w(W)onderful.

My name is Oscar, I direct - Tanja and I found your post through google alerts. We would LOVE to show your illustration on the show. Pleeease!?

Do you paint professionally? If not, you should!
When you have a chance, please email us through the show's contact page, or write to

We're very glad you like the apple chowder recipe (it's one my personal favorites).

Best wishes,

Ken McCuen said...

Hyein, I really your style and how you use texture. Good thing you have a blog or I would have never seen this. Nice stuff :)


Jack Shepherd said...

pretty much my favourite from you. that carrot one was pretty crazy as well, what can I say. these creatures give me nightmares :D.

Jack Shepherd said...

P.S. Friday - Do you want to meet at 12pm in the illustration hallway by the windows?